Welcome new neighbors:
Bart Robinson Dietsel
Lee Harron 1400 E
Miller Bird Refuge and Nature Park Discussion
Images of July 25th event and September 22nd
Kristin Ricker: Salt Lake City parks and lands director
Scott Granger (maintenance and crew manager)
Bernard Mo- Public utilities (storm water engineer from SLC)
Approved capital land improvement plan- (not for water damage) funds approved to lessen
incline bridge and remove stairs. Make ADA. Funds available January 2018.
Signage coming before Spring 2018. Welcoming,
Bernard Mo- contracting the Miller Park repair project out to a third party, beyond city
tools/experience. September storm damaged the pipe, water flowed under crib wall. Pipe
removed by city. Contractor selected and after September storm was reevaluated to begin
repair next month.
Contractor will be installing:
-New head wall
-Install new pipe-anchor poly coated corrugated; gravel around the pipe. Use weak cement to fill
the gaps.
-Tie existing wall to new concrete wall with rebar
-Temporary damming of creek and a few days on 9th South while the work is being done
Charlie Luke-6th Council funding body for this project. This will likely exceed emergency fund,
funds needed through budget amendment or 2018 budget. Uncertain will the money will come
from. Objective is to do these projects the right way from the beginning so it doesn’t wash out
again during the next storm. Aware this location doesn’t warrant a large concrete wall, keeping
the environment natural looking. Red Butte damm built in 1890’s, central Utah project. Acquired
a couple of years ago by Salt Lake City Public Utilities. Damm has been sured up. Flood control
and irrigation for public utilities. Salt Lake City owns the most water rights, amazing legacy for
our city. 855 Dietsel lost their back yard. Washed out into pond/pipe. No city insurance options
available because the damage was caused by a storm. County manages flood control. County
may have some options to reinforce the bank. Who is responsible for the design of the roads,
public utilities and impact on our homes?
Fine line balance of over engineering with cement and keeping ascetics. Parking lots and many
roofs impacting water flow from the U and Research Park impacting our neighborhood. Contact
state legislators to involve others to protect our geographic identity.
Presidents report: Lend a leash; recruiting people to implement it
UofU baseball stadium. No market feasibility study. Project status: the U is planning to proceed
internally to build on Guardsman. Premise was choices and feedback would be offered. Meeting
veiled the choice had been made. Mayor is not in support of selling city property for University
access point needed. USGBC green council $10/event.
Detective Josh Smith report: Yalecrest still by far one of the safest areas in the city. Suspicious
individuals sometimes looming around. Pleading with district 6 to REPORT/add to CALL LOG.
We need the information to add the man power. Operation Rio Grande disperses crime and
individuals throughout the city. REPORT to get logged on. Don’t let it go on for days, address
the problems from the beginning. Call, email or use mobile app. Can report pot holes, safety,
crime, etc. Mobile app sends it to the proper people in the city. The app drops a pin of your
location when reporting a problem. APP: SLC MOBILE/ for non-emergency issues only.
People can spend time in public places. Can not camp overnight. Uphold park curfew. Taking
people out of the parks, they move to businesses, backyards, alleys, etc. Can not force them to
the shelters.
Question brought up with Charlie Luke about the level of professionalism dispatchers have with
residents who call in for help. Dispatchers seem to offer no solutions or help. This issue has
been addressed and asked for increased awareness and kindness to residents who call in.
Charlie’s time spent with our officers reflect our great city. Proud of our police department.
Reach out to Detective Josh Smith if you need further support.
The city is running a pilot Organic lawn care/parks program- includes Laird Park. Flyers passed
*Reminder- Sandy Hook, “Stop the Bleed” to help residents stop bleeding out on site. To help
people from unnecessary death.