2017 Minutes- February 1

Treasurer Report: Loree Hagen
Continuing discuss on Secretary/treasurer split. Treasurer set up account with University Credit
Union. Good accounting practices to have two signatures on account. Checks ordered requiring
two signatures. General conscience adding bylaws to add language to have chair and treasurer
to sign checks. Incorporate management practices as well. Monthly budget
disclosure/reconciling. When we complete 501c3 process it is required by law to disclose
records. We only have checks available for reimbursement (no credit cards).
Yalecrest Neighborhood Yard Sale update: Warren and Jennie Lloyd
1st event the community council has ever hosted
5/13/17 9am to 2pm
Recycle and share. Goal to have 100 homes participate.
Robin to head up Sunnyside Park activities
Karly to head up marketing and advertising.
Jenny to coordinate with seattle connection (our model); researching non-profits to donate to,
with surplus (like Share House for refugees). YouthLink and YMAD for youth fundraisers for their
summer youth programs.
Consider adding recycling center for hard to recycle items. Coordinating with city.
2/15/17 1pm follow up committee meeting.
Working on online website page and interactive map to show homes that are participating.
Homeowners will decide where proceeds go; suggested places for surplus will be available.
Consider Nextdoor app for publicity and map.
Public Education Presentations: Melissa Ford; School Board District 6
(5 Elementary’s, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools)
4 children; all public schools at Bonneville, Clayton and East
Around 25,000 students in Salt Lake City School District
Distributed flyer for legislative priorities
K-12 funded mostly through income tax (WPU-weighted pupil unit); can see money from your
property taxes
Total funding per pupil is about $5,000-lowest in the country. All accounting is public. You can
view online where the money goes.
Classroom sizes; teacher salaries
98% classes are filled with a substitute teacher
Alternative route to become a licensed teacher; qualified teacher mentors them until they’ve
earned their license. Doesn’t seem best practice or best for our students.

Possible tax dollars coming from Salt Lake City to other rural districts or primary residential
cities. Should reduce SLC District by 1 million.
Coalition of business committees to increase tax to 5.78%; add $1,000 per student in 2018 vote.
More than budget 60% teacher salaries; 90% to administration/support

Dr. Ruth Watkins and Cathy Anderson
Academic Affairs at the University of Utah
Associate VP budgeting for University of Utah
Sources of funding to the University come from (see slide):
Students (tuition)
Private Businesses (grant and contracts)
Federal Government (grants and contracts)
Technology transfer royalties and licenses (economic development)
State Government (Appropriations)
Interest earnings/losses
University Hospital and Health Care
Donors, Foundations and Corporations
Sales/Service and Auxiliary Enterprises (bookstore, revenue generating sports, ARUP)

In summary the University has a 3 part mission:
Appropriations committee to distribute funding to the school. All available online:
www.le.utah.gov ; select sub-appropriations for higher education.
University runs on a 4 billion dollar operation. State $250 million; very important for faculty and
balance tuition. UVU student enrollment higher (only because they count part time or less than
students). University of Utah flagship for our state; award most degrees and most full time
students than any other public school in Utah.
Hospital and Medical School- Physicians are part of University (not usually the hospital).
Reflects in your bill with two separate charges-one from hospital for use of their facilities and the
other for doctor care.
Sporting activities reflected in sales/service and auxiliary enterprises.
Carolyn and Ken Gardner Building-voted worst building on campus. Classroom building. State is
able to fund the keep up of the building. Inquired with private donor (naming donor) to get the
building remodeled. Institutional priorities: attract students, keep/attract faculty, continuing to
Goldman Sachs-funding pre-K schooling; intervention for investment early on. Outcome based
proposition. We have some of the highest rate of people starting college but not completing their

Online reference for air quality in Salt Lake City: