YNC 3/7/18
Intro/mission recap
Tom Simmons Emergency Fire Coordinator thomas.simons@slcgov.com Office: 801-799-4128 Cell: 801-232-7130
Community newsletter: slcfire.com-hiring entry level firemen 9th/9th 275 calls in February (70-80% medical calls)
Living with wildfire: how can you prepare? Wild land Urban interface- Red Butte Creek- steep slopes, Referencing Thomas fire in CA
Creating defensible space READY-Be prepared SET- Understand the threat GO-Act early
Thin tree and brush cover, dispose of slash and debris, remove dead limbs, maintain irrigated green belt, mow dry grasses and weeds, stack firewood away from the home, prune trees 10 feet above the ground, etc.
Roofs, roof openings, roof debris, skylights, spark arrester, windows, vents, rain gutters, patio furniture, etc.
*EMBER fires can cause ignition far from the flaming front, clean up EVERY year.
*Fire wise landscaping for Utah
Community effort to protect each other’s homes
SET: “Go” bag-96 hours Emergency plan Monitor media and other emergency communication methods
GO: Evacuate as ordered Proceed calmly but purposefully This is where getting “SET” pays off
SB122- new law that allow municipalities to work together to prevent, prepare and mitigate wildfire
Community Wildfire preparedness plan- depends on YOU. Planning process, increase awareness, build informal and formal relations, firewise.org
Greatest concern- cheat grass-very flammable. TAKE HOME: make emergency kit, request a home assessment to mitigate your fire risk. Available with your local department.
Yard Sale Update: Postcard drop March 17th; households register online for free. Calendar of 2018 activities. Music (East High and Rick heading this up), live bands, food trucks, Clever Octopus
Jim Webster- Capital Improvement Plan; traffic calming on Sunnyside and 1400 E; Miller Park $425,000–one more time to put trails back and reenforce rock walls, ADA compliant. PCE Plume super fund-a cleaning solution from VA was put into sewer system, leaked into soil, spread throughout our neighborhood. Most impacted area is west of East High on Sunnyside Ave. Next meeting March 28, 2018 at the VA.
Neighborhood Safety: 100,000+ cars/commuter traffic between VA and University/Research Park. Neighbors working on petitions for 900 S/LeGrand and Sunnyside/1400 E.
SAFE neighborhoods- large scale events (earthquakes, etc). All local elementary schools can host neighbors whose homes are damaged. Suggest dehydrated meals which have a 50 year shelf life. MRE’s 5 years.
Encourage community members to help in our various committees with Yard Sale, safety, board, etc.