2018 Minutes- April 4

Legislative Evening
Jennie Lloyd: Yard Sale Update
Postcards distributed; lining up food trucks; live music location 1500 E bottom of Glen 10am to
2pm (with power). East drum line at 10am; 10:30-12 (7 man Jazz); 12-12:30 East; 12:30-2pm
20 piece jazz band. Publish through email, Nextdoor, Facebook, and Instagram. Register now
until week prior.
2018/19 ideas: Once a month from 7-8pm; light the neighborhood
Senator Jani Iwamoto and Brian King
10 minute recap from Brian King: SP bill to revamp UTA, increase fuel taxes-trans, increase
electric cars. One of the most important clean air acts our city has passed. 1/2 emissions from
tail pipes.
November survey/poll ask citizens if they support property taxes to raise revenue for public
education? If voted down 5+ years until on the ballet again.
Jani: strange session starting with sexual assault and purguery. Police animal charge for killing
one. Protecting public employees-whistle blowing. State wide pediatric trauma network.
Establish regional hospitals and sharing data tele medicine to reduce high helicopter and lives
lost by transferring. New Americans naturalization/welcome citizens. Post retirement bills. Water
bills-several related. Fall prevention campaign to minimize costs and protect citizens. Island in
Utah lake.
Water bill behind taking water rights from Salt Lake City to state- risk the distribution and take
the rights and oversight from the city. Not favorable for our city. We need to protect our water in
this dessert. A lot of money spent to lobby for water rights from builders/developers.
NW North of I-80/E to 215 quadrant developing with prison. Inland port. Anti Salt Lake bill to
take. Metro with vacant land near airport. Inland port economic boost to the state. Container
ships for up to 9 months because there is no port space. Create port facility next to airport.
Coast freight train to Utah. Customs. Unloading. Take empty containers (back-haul) back to
coast with goods inside. All west 6000 W to 201 (Magna and West Valley). New authority under
port control (managed by the state). About 20,000 acres. DFCM – coordinating with SLC and
new prison which has no infrastructure.
Greg Hughes. Media and contact political officials- ask for meaningful changes to favor SLC.
Governor signed off on the the bill and has not called a special session.
Questions regarding state support on completing the Steiner (6 acres) and working with the U
and the proposed baseball stadium in our neighborhood. Compensation package to frame up to
work with city and university. Increase quality of life in our neighborhood.
Gun violence restrictions coming up next year.