2018 Minutes- May 2

YNC 5/2/18 


Yard Sale update: 3 food trucks; bands 10am to 2pm; Clever Oct at Laird Park; NHM at Miller Park. 

Patrick Chief of Staff. Love the invitation-invite in the future. Thank you Robin. 

Proposed budget submitted on Monday, council has next 6 weeks to field questions and answer questions. Flat budget based on current known facts and a second with new anticipated revenue. City Council adapted increase sales tax decision (adding +25 million new revenue this fiscal year). 

1-Infrastructure (road ways-too many roads have delayed maintenance) Additional 7 million towards roads 

2-Housing- Affordable housing-significant need for more housing units. Over 4 million towards housing of this added revenue to help with the shortage. City has leverage by offering gap financing options (incentivize builders to come and create mixed use housing units). 

3- Transit- Need more options west/east connections. 2100 S; 900 S; 200 S M-Sat (15 minute intervals); add bus service on Sundays (30 minute service). Proposing a home to transit service to bus stops (if more than 1/4 mile away from a bus stop; Uber like/car share program to get to bus stop). 

4- Public Safety (about 24% directed from added revenue to this need; 27 new officers +support staff) Salt Lake City has a 75% influx daytime population verses nighttime. Based on population and other variables. Study will be made public. It is underway. 

Park like environment and geographic identity to our city. +$360,000 foothill trails construction (central location). How can we understand and crack the conversation to add more parks to our city? Add to the health, safety and enjoyment of citizens. 

Mayors budget in online. Adoption sometime in June. Urban Forestry update: catalog all the trees. Contract work to utilize all the trees and keep the trees healthy. Planted more trees last year than they took out. Thank you for taking care of our trees and adding new drinking fountains at Sunnyside and Laird Park. 

43% city land not taxed (non-profit or state owned). 2,000 acres lost to inland port (north/west quadrant). How can we recoup costs/lost revenue? Lots of traffic, lots of infrastructure. What other options besides tax increase? Increase bond? Those commuting in are not paying for our roads. How to protect our residents from continued tax increases.